Our Awards

We pride ourselves for our outstanding performance in the education industry which has led us to winning several prestigious awards and recognition in the past. Here are some of our achievements that we would like to share with you.
- Asia Pacific Super Health Brand (亚太超级健康品牌) – 2010
- Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand(亚太杰出品牌)- 2010
- Asia Pacific International Excellence Entrepreneur Award(亚太国际世纪企业家精英奖)- 2011
- 21st Century The Prestigious Brand Award (21世纪成功品牌精英榜)- 2011
- Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise Keris Award(亚太国际诚信企业金剑奖)- 2010
- Golden Phoenix Award(凤凰奖)- 2010
- 1 Malaysia Award(1个马来西亚终生教育奖)- 2012